How to make Backup with CWM for Galaxy y - Android Hardcore

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to make Backup with CWM for Galaxy y

12:11 AM
 Disclaimer: We are not responsible to any kind of damages on your device after installing this TUTORIAL/GUIDE.
(By installing this 
TUTORIAL/GUIDE, You Have Agreed To This)

Let's start making backup:

Ensure you have at least more than 50% battery as certainty.
Also ensure that you have at least 500mb of free space on your SD Card (my backup around 300-400mb).
  1. Download from here and put directly into the SD Card.
  2. Switch off completely your Galaxy Y.
  3. Boot into Stock Android Recovery when is turned off phone press following key combinations VOL UP + MIDDLE BUTTON + POWER BUTTON for 5-6sec. until the appear text with red color.                      
  4. On Stock Recovery go to "apply update from sdcard" (this's 2nd option) note: touch screen not working you can navigate by pressing VOL UP/DOWN buttons and for selecting press MIDDLE BUTTON.
  5. Then find a the downloaded file must be at the top select it.(note: if you rename file to other name should be of the first alphabetic characters ABC or numbers 123, because will not be visible will went down the list).
  6. So now you should see a screen with orange text color, if so you are in the right direction this is CWM Custom Recovery.                               
  7. Let us look at menu they are many options, but for now in this guide/tutorial we only need the option "Backup and Restore" (sixth position) this option has three different options:                                         
  8. >BACKUP

    option"BACKUP" for backing up system option second "RESTORE" you can restore the already createdbackup
    and last option is "ADVANCED RESTORE" you can restore 
    separately from some "BACKUPS" data,system,boot.img(this's kernel) or when installed Custom rom and want to restore just data(apps) of previous backup.
  9. By pressing "Backup" process of NANDROID Backup starts and you just wait 2-3min.max 
    so you have a FULL BACKUP of your OS.
  10. That's it! Return to Reboot Now option press it for rebooting!!!
In case you want to Restore the created backup, because you are screwed up your system with wrongtweak,mod or crummy ROM, you need the option "Restore".

Precedure simple as above:
  1. Boot into CWM
  2. Go to option "Backup and Restore"
  3. Select RESTORE
  4. Choose your backup name he under the name of the а date day when created
  5. And all information/data will returned on your phone
  6. That's it!
  7. Reboot Now!
Let explain the last option "ADVANCED RESTORE" in detailed: 
In fact you can choose a certain part of your Backup in cases where you have installed and must againto install all applications this is wasted time this option allows you to restore only "DATA" that's great.

  1. So boot into CWM
  2. Go to option "Backup and Restore"
  3. Select ADVANCED RESTORE->select data
  4. Wait 1-2min. process to complete and your apps restored on your new ROM
  5. Reboot Now and Enjoy ! ! !


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